About Us

Located in Belvidere, IL Belvidere Township is the largest of nine townships in Boone County. First settled in 1849 Belvidere has a population of 25,585 as of the 2010 census and is the county seat of Boone County. Boone County was first established in 1837 and has a population of 54,165 as of the 2010 census; encompassing 288 miles.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to assess property within Belvidere Township in an accurate, fair and impartial manner and carry out all related duties as required by law to serve the needs of all residents in the township.  The assessor and staff will courteously and promptly answer any questions or concerns you may have related to your property assessments.  The Belvidere Township Assessor’s office is here to serve the needs of all its residents, so feel free to stop by or call our office at any time.